
“Una” pittura a Torino 

OPENING: Thursday 21 September 2023

From 21 September to 21 October 2023

Biasutti & Biasutti gallery presents an exhibition entitled: "Una" pittura a Torino (“One” painting in Turin). Twelve artists who have characterized the culture of Turin at different times. From Billetto’s geometric and rigorous sign to the informality of Ruggeri; from Colombotto Rosso‘s great quality as draftsman and painter to Gilardi’s Nature - Carpets; from Griffa's primary signs to Mondino's ironic conceptualism; from the neon and ceramics by Nisbet to the abstract art of the 1950s by Paulucci; from Ragalzi's insects to Ramella's Africas; from Spazzapan's gestures to Stoisa's research on matter.

The exhibition will close on the 21st of October 2023.


Alfredo Billetto (Torino 1932-2022)
Enrico Colombotto Rosso (Torino 1925 - Casale Monferrato, Alessandria 2013)
Piero Gilardi (Torino 1942 - 2023)
Giorgio Griffa (Torino 1936)
Aldo Mondino (Torino 1938 - 2005)
Andrea Nisbet (Torre Pellice, Torino 1960)
Enrico Paulucci (Genova 1901 - Torino 1999)
Sergio Ragalzi (Torino 1951)
Giorgio Ramella (Torino 1939)
Piero Ruggeri (Torino 1930 - Avigliana, Torino 2009)
Luigi Spazzapan (Gradisca d’Isonzo 1889 - Torino 1958)
Luigi Stoisa (Selvaggio di Giaveno, Torino 1958)


Galleria Biasutti & Biasutti, Via Bonafous, 7/L – 10123 Torino
Phone 011/8173511 – 8158818 Fax 011/8158818
Office time: 10-12.30 – 15.30-19.30 Sunday and Monday closed
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Biasutti & Biasutti Arte moderna e contemporanea s.r.l. P.IVA 07850810016 - Capitale sociale €10.000,00 i.v. - Iscritta al R.I. di Torino al n. 165421/99 R.E.A. della C.C.I.A. N 926697

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