
Furio Maestri - Schede 

OPENING: 6 May 2011

From 6 May to 16 June 2011

Biasutti & Biasutti Gallery presents a solo exhibition of the artist Furio Maestri entitled "Schede". About forty works retrace the production of the last few years. Maestri attended classical high school and became passionate about the study of art and after graduating in medicine he often visited Lodovico Mosconi's studio and became interested in abstract art. Bellini in his presentation writes: "Canvases pervaded by signs that like arabesques move, scratch and change the skin, otherwise lacquered so much has been worked and reworked on it, of the individual bodies." Catalogue available.




Biasutti & Biasutti Arte moderna e contemporanea s.r.l. P.IVA 07850810016 - Capitale sociale €10.000,00 i.v. - Iscritta al R.I. di Torino al n. 165421/99 R.E.A. della C.C.I.A. N 926697

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