
Daniele Fissore 

OPENING:  19 April 2001 6 p.m.

From 19 April to 19 May 2001

Biasutti & Biasutti Gallery presents an exhibition dedicated to Daniele Fissore (Savigliano 1947-2017). Forty oil works, from the beginnings, with some canvases from the seventies and eighties up to the artist's recent works. Wide and thin layers of golf courses are crossed by an insistent hatching that marks the pictorial surface. These works, titled “Green”, are the obsession of the form, color, matter, sign and their possible relationships. The exhibition is completed by a series of “marine landscapes”, whose tones are halfway between the most intense blues, light blue and pearly gray. Text by Angelo Mistrangelo.

Catalogue available.


Biasutti & Biasutti Arte moderna e contemporanea s.r.l. P.IVA 07850810016 - Capitale sociale €10.000,00 i.v. - Iscritta al R.I. di Torino al n. 165421/99 R.E.A. della C.C.I.A. N 926697

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