
Francesco Tabusso: opere scelte 

OPENING:  3  October 2002 6 p.m.

From 3 to 26 October 2002

Biasutti & Biasutti Gallery presents a monographic exhibition dedicated to Francesco Tabusso (Sesto San Giovanni 1930 - Turin 2012). Twenty-five paintings by one of the protagonists of Italian figuration. The historical core dates back to 1957, the year of “Mercato colcosiano”, “Mercato in Russia” and “Temporale”, works in which Tabusso revealed himself as one of the few dissidents with a dominant informal language. Linked to a narrative and fabulous dimension of painting, the artist is also documented by paintings such as "Rito pagano" (1969) and "Donna alla finestra" (1962), one of the first examples of the artist's use , of paper inserts in the pictorial fabric.


Biasutti & Biasutti Arte moderna e contemporanea s.r.l. P.IVA 07850810016 - Capitale sociale €10.000,00 i.v. - Iscritta al R.I. di Torino al n. 165421/99 R.E.A. della C.C.I.A. N 926697

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