
Alfonso Bonavita 

OPENING:  1 April 2004 6 p.m.

From 1 April to 15 May 2004

Biasutti & Biasutti Gallery presents an exhibition dedicated to Alfonso Bonavita (Amantea, Cosenza 1962). He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Genoa. Bonavita's works are centered on a series of stories and literary and musical quotes, a sort of close link between painting, digital photography and poetry. His pictorial work represents a "new figuration", without neglecting the teachings of the masters of the twentieth century. He translates extremely real situations onto the canvas, real spaces immortalized by the digital camera in which he sets characters who seem burdened by historical weight. Disturbing environments, where "past and future meet exactly a moment before the inevitable short circuit, show off musicians and orchestras, which suggest the presence of continuous background music, like a tragic comedy" (M. Sciaccaluga). To create further atmospheres, Bonavita reports on the back of each work quotations from Schiller Bruner, Jervis, Max Weber and Elias Canetti. The set of works on display make up this beautiful solo show, where the theater, that of the absurd, is the only real protagonist.


Biasutti & Biasutti Arte moderna e contemporanea s.r.l. P.IVA 07850810016 - Capitale sociale €10.000,00 i.v. - Iscritta al R.I. di Torino al n. 165421/99 R.E.A. della C.C.I.A. N 926697

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