
DANIEL SPOERRI. I giochi dello stupore 

OPENING: 6 November  2007

From 6 November 2007 – 19 January 2008 extended until 29 February 2008

Biasutti & Biasutti Gallery presents an exhibition dedicated to Daniel Spoerri (Galati, Romania, 1938). Fifty works make up this exhibition entitled "The games of wonder", with the presentation by Elena Pontiggia, which collects an important synthesis of works created by one of the greatest exponents of Nouveau Realisme. Forty-five tableaux pièges (trap pictures) that ironically appear as dining tables, shelves, drawers, boxes on which time stops forever. The chaos left on his desk, the leftovers from the dinner of friends or customers of his restaurant, become works of art. The artist glues glasses, cutlery, receipts, dirty ashtrays, flower holders on the surfaces on which they have been placed by those who used them, respecting the random order of their positions and then hangs the square tables vertically: from this derives a vision from the high from the observer. At that point, in the apparent fixity, the invisible movement is triggered. The public, in fact, observing those objects, wondering about them, sets their life back in motion. At the same time, Spoerri underlines the paradox according to which it is precisely the fixity that makes us grasp the motion of the object, in the sense that "we better grasp what it is if we observe it in frames as it evolves", as well as, "a situation found was more interesting than a settled situation ”to quote the artist's words. Five sculptures and a series taken from the "Idols of Prillwitz", Le Mortard and the Pétite tete, to testify how Spoerri's artistic expression goes beyond the elegant line of "his" tableaux.

Catalogue available


Biasutti & Biasutti Arte moderna e contemporanea s.r.l. P.IVA 07850810016 - Capitale sociale €10.000,00 i.v. - Iscritta al R.I. di Torino al n. 165421/99 R.E.A. della C.C.I.A. N 926697

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