Luigi Stoisa: CV


Luigi Stoisa was born in 1958 in Selvaggio di Giaveno (Turin), where he actually lives and works. His artistic activity started at the end of the ‘70s, when he was still a student of the Art Academy in Turin, where he obtained the Diploma few years later.

In 1984 he had his first solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Gallery Tucci Russo, in Turin. The research activity of Luigi Stoisa started in the ‘80s, during the post-modern period, and his first mature art-works belong to those years.

Since then, all his poetry has always been characterised by the mutation of the substance, which inexorably changes the shapes and images. The tar is central in his works, with its incredible power to transform the materials around it.

However, Stoisa works with many other materials, always experimenting new techniques, from painting, expressed in many forms, to sculpture, made of terracotta and bronze, as well as from many-materials installations, to drawing, “first form of the idea”.

He has been the protagonist of important solo and collective exhibitions, among the others, in the Fundación Joan Miró of Barcelona (Spain, 1985), De Appel Foundation of Amsterdam (The Netherlands, 1986), Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci in Prato (Italy, 1988), Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain of Nice (France, 1993), Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin (Germany, 1996), Complesso Monumentale San Michele of Ripa Grande di Roma (Italy, 2004), Reggia di Caserta (Italy, 2005), XVIII Biennale di Scultura di Carrara (Italy, 2008), Palazzo Litta in Milan (Italy, 2010), Accademia di Belle Arti di Torino (Italy, 2010), The Frost Art Museum of Miami (USA, 2011), Palazzo Chiablese in Torino (Italy, 2011), Reggia di Venaria (Italy, 2017).

He also won many awards for the realization of numerous sculptures intended to urban furniture and public spaces: 1° Premio Umberto Mastroianni (Turin, 1996), light installations for Luci d’Artista (Turin, from 1998 to today), installation for A.I.S.M. (Turin, 2004), bronze sculpture for Italo Calvino Library (Turin, 2008), realization of Holy Door for the Turin’s Cathedral (2015).

Many art experts and critics have written about him, including G. Dorfles, F. Poli, G. Verzotti, M. Bertoni, G. Castagnoli, A. Barzel, G. Ciavoliello, M. Meneguzzo, D. Trento, C. Levi, D. Lancioni, G. Curto, R. Miracco, B. Corà, A. Bonito Oliva, G. Cordero, Mons. T. Verdon.

Biasutti & Biasutti Arte moderna e contemporanea s.r.l. P.IVA 07850810016 - Capitale sociale €10.000,00 i.v. - Iscritta al R.I. di Torino al n. 165421/99 R.E.A. della C.C.I.A. N 926697

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